The Building Trades of Alberta coordinates and promotes the interests of 18 Alberta trade union locals whose more than 60,000 members work in the residential, commercial and industrial construction, maintenance and fabrication industries. Scroll down to find a brief introduction to each of these building trades union locals, the trades they represent, and contact information.

Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Local 1
The International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Local 1 traces its history back to 1901 when stonemasons working in Edmonton began organizing.

Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 1325
United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 1325 is a member of the Alberta Regional Council of Carpenters and Allied Workers (ARCCAW).

Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 2103

Construction & General Workers Local 92
The Construction & General Workers Local 92 (LiUNA!) represents construction and general workers in Alberta.

Electrical Workers Local 424
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 424 belongs to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Elevator Constructors Local 130
Elevator constructors formed the Union of Elevator Constructors in the United States in 1901. In 1903, Canadian elevator workers joined what became the International Union of Elevator Constructors.

Elevator Constructors Local 122
Elevator constructors formed the Union of Elevator Constructors in the United States in 1901. In 1903, Canadian elevator workers joined what became the International Union of Elevator Constructors.

Insulators Local 110
The Insulators Local 110 represents represents heat and frost workers in Edmonton, Alberta.

Ironworkers Local 720

Ironworkers Local 725
Ironworkers Local 725 represents iron workers in southern Alberta. Local 725 began operations in 1950.

Millwrights Local 1460
The Millwrights, Machinery Erectors and Maintenance Union (Alberta Regional Council) Local 1460 is a member of the Alberta Regional Council of Carpenters and Allied Workers (ARCCAW).

Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 222
Local 222 is a member of the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International.

Painters & Allied Trades District Council 17

Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 496
Plumbing & Pipefitting Local 496 represents some 2000 steamfitter-pipefitters, pressure welders, plumbers and sprinkler fitters from Red Deer south in Alberta.

UA Local 488 Plumbers & Pipefitters
The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 488 received its charter in 1904.

Sheet Metal Workers Local 8
The origin of Sheet Metal Workers International Local 8 dates back to the founding of the province of Alberta in 1905.
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Teamsters Local 362
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 362 gained its charter from the International in 1962.