January 13, 2016

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I know you are probably tired of hearing about resolutions at this time of year, so I’ll be brief. Did you make any resolutions? How are they holding up? Mine is doing well so far, and I’m feeling pretty confident that I’ll be able to keep it, but it can be a real struggle sometimes. I’m sure you can relate. Even if resolutions aren’t your style, each of us from time to time makes promises to ourselves or to others. Sometimes, those promises can be hard to keep, but when you follow through, it can feel like a real victory and it signals to other people that your word means something.

We saw that with our new Prime Minister, when prior to the election he pledged to repeal Bill C 377, the Labour Organization Financial Disclosure Bill, and less than two months after getting elected, he took the first steps to repeal the Bill by eliminating reporting requirements.

We all make promises every day that affect our brothers and sisters. By belonging to a Trade Union, we pledge to support and protect each other. Some groups make this official by having a Code, some are taught this by the brothers and sisters who are there before them.

The BTA works to support our members in fulfilling this promise. Last year, we introduced Stand Up for Safety, the next incremental step in safety at the workplace. Stand Up for Safety relies on you to make and keep two promises:

  1. Be willing to approach and address fellow workers when you see something that causes you concern
  2. Be willing to receive help when fellow workers approach and address you

The program is not designed to find fault, it is designed to further enable all of us to look out for each other – to help us keep our promises to protect and support each other. Are you familiar with the Stand Up for Safety program? Check out our video and talk to us or your Local about getting a hardhat sticker or some promotional material to show that you are willing to keep your promise.

Keep your eyes peeled this year for Phase Two of the Stand Up for Safety program, which will include a new video and a hardhat sticker design competition with some pretty cool prizes up for grabs.

As always, please contact us if you have any questions or if you have a story to share with our community.


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