Supporting Working Parents Survey

The Building Trades of Alberta, along with Build Together – Women of the Building Trades, have developed a multifaceted plan to help alleviate some of the obstacles tradespeople face when trying to secure accessible, affordable and high-quality childcare.

This survey is meant to capture the needs of skilled trades workers regarding their childcare situation. Your input is essential to ensure that we can take these solutions, and make them a reality. This survey should take less than 5 mins to complete.

For the full document, please visit: Supporting Working Parents


Disclaimer: Any information shared within this survey will remain with Build Together. No personal information will be shared, and only anonymous information will be used for statistical and research purposes. 

By providing your name and contact info, we are able to enter you into the prize draw for participating. In no way will any personal information be shared with results of survey. This will remain confidential. 

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